1. Buddy statements.
The following is needed to be accepted by the Veterans Administration.
a.Statement in his own words of the incident you and he where involved in,also any
KIA or wounded,helicoptors shot down or damaged,anything that he can remeber that would be of help.
b.Full name. also your name
c.His service number
e.Date in unit.
f.This letter must be nortirized other wise the VA will not accept the letter.
g. Also include the envolope that came with the letter
h.Make copys of both for your own records so if lost you have back up.
2.Unit reports.
This will require you sending to the arcives in Washington DC,you may find it online but you
will need to do a lot of research to find this information.the thing here is don't get discouraged spend the time looking,also
make several copys when you do find it.
3.Killed in action.
Those that you knew that where killed in action check the wall,unit morning
reports,how they where killed and if you where with them when the died,list thier names and service number if you have this.
also when incident took place and location where they lost thier life.
4. Photos taken in country.
There will be a time that any photos that you have while in country may help you establish
your claim as to what you saw ,better if the photos shows you, also the VA may regect them,but they are a form of record as
i have come to find out for anouther Veteran.write a statement on them and have it nortirized also.